Created with early childhood teaching techniques, this story hour and craft provides social, physical, and cognitive skill practice for kindergarten readiness. This program is for preschool age children.
Legos and games will be set out for children to enjoy during Spring Break, come and have fun!
Practice your creative skills at the library with themed art sessions. Art is beneficial for building creative problem solving, out-of-the-box thinking, expressiveness, and a rich imagination.
Family Crafternoon: Windchime Craft for Spring Equinox
Come celebrate the Spring Equinox and make a windchime suncatcher using objects from nature. This is an all-ages family program.
Wags & Words
Children can practice their reading skills by sharing a story with a furry friend. This program is for early school age children.
No registration required.
These wonderful dogs are from the Santa Fe Animal Shelter Pet Outreach Program.