Created with early childhood teaching techniques, this story hour and craft provides social, physical, and cognitive skill practice for kindergarten readiness. This program is for preschool age children.
Yoga & Movement for Kids
A yoga class designed specifically with young children in mind. Joyful movement and kinesthetic creativity are explored. Yoga mats are provided if needed. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Recommended for preschool and early school age children.
Legos and games will be set out for children to enjoy during Spring Break, come and have fun!
Hands-On Art-Making with the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum
An open art workshop with our Friends from the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum.
Join us for a monthly 90s throwback. Each month we will screen a favorite movie from 1990s. Free popcorn, lemonade, and nineties treats included as well. Come early for 90s dance music. All movies rated PG. Costumes are encouraged!
Pajama Storytime
A social storytime where parents can receive parenting information and chat with other young parents. This program is for parents and preschool children.
This program is in partnership with Growing Up New Mexico.